We provide information and referrals in the following service areas
Childcare, preschool, or early learning : free
play groups, reduced cost childcare/preschool options.
Child development services : Child development
services: developmental screening & assessment,
in-home support, early intervention, autism and other special healthcare
Disability supports for children: special
healthcare needs, early intervention, screenings, social
support, etc.
Employment & financial assistance:
employment resources, job training, unemployment benefits, etc.
food bank, WIC, baby food, SNAP, EBT, etc.
Healthcare or health insurance : healthcare,
health insurance, dental, immunizations, etc.
Housing & utilities : housing assistance,
Coordinated Entry, utility assistance etc.
Items for pregnancy, baby, or family: clothing,
diapers, formula, car seats, toys, kitchen supplies,
toiletries, etc.
Mental & behavioral health:
parent/caregiver depression, anxiety, substance use, etc.
Parenting/caregiving supports: support groups,
parenting classes, etc.
Substance Use Disorder: treatment options and
resources for individuals affected by substances
including cannabis, illegal drugs, and/or prescription medication.
Transportation: free/reduced cost
transportation, gas vouchers, transportation to
medical appointments, car seat safety, etc.